Tokushima Coffee Works Yamashiro Branch

***** (4/5)
Phone: 088-655-8877
Closed on: Tuesdays
Operating Hours: 08:30 - 23:00 (their kitchen closes at 22:30)
Their address can be found at the end of this article. 

The city of Tokushima has lots of nice cafes and coffee houses and many of them have their own coffee roasters which you do not really see in Tokyo.  Coffee Works Yamashiro Branch is a great coffee house where you can relax in good atmosphere and have a good cup of coffee.  Every table gives different types of feeling.

I am sure I will be back.

Looking up the ceiling.  

A cup of coffee that comes with so called "morning set" (breakfast with a cup of coffee).  

Breakfast set.

Another breakfast set.


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